Welcome to the

PrEP and HIV Toolkit!

Tools to suit your needs!

In these toolkits you will find specifically designed tools to fit the needs of you the community member AND you the healthcare team member. Select the door that best describes you. Overall these toolkits are designed to assist in understanding HIV risk, understand the utility of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a HIV antiretroviral medication, and to support informed decision -making.

Click on a door below to open your toolbox.

While each toolkit has been specifically designed for either community members OR healthcare team member please feel empowered to explore!

  • In this area you will find key information to guide you in assessing your HIV risk and support how to talk with your provider & healthcare team.

  • In this area you will find key information to guide you in assessing your patient/client’s HIV risk and support as it relates to delivering this care. Tools include documentation supports, risk recognition, and more!

Disclaimer - These toolkits have leveraged research and evidence to support their design and delivery. However they are not meant to be a replacement of clinical judgement.

THis Toolkit was Created by:

Dr. Jay Knight (they/them)

Dr. Jay is a doctorally prepared nurse (DNP) who focuses their ongoing research on closing gaps in care experienced by the LGBTQ+ community. Their doctoral thesis focused on HIV prevention and the boosting of PrEP.

Ella Lafata (She/her)

Ella is a medical student at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine. Her research focus is on promoting LGBTQ+ medical education and health equity.